
Welcome to the knit/crochet designer's online toolbox!

On Yarnpond you can find pattern testers for knit & crochet patterns, sample makers to help you speed up your design turnaround, and tech editors who'll make sure your patterns are concise and easy to use!

Since 2018 Yarnpond has been the one-stop shop for knit and crochet designers to manage their pattern testing process. From connecting designers to eager and qualified knitters & crocheters, to posting and running their tests, to gathering pattern feedback - you can do can do it all on Yarnpond. In 2020 we added the tech editors pool, so designers can post their tech editing jobs, compare applicants and select the perfect editor to help fine-tune their patterns.

It's not only about finding people ...
Finding great testers is just the first step in running successful pattern tests. You also need to keep track of progress, maintain communication, notify testers of pattern corrections you are making, and get updated when testers complete their work.
And when the test is done, you need to be able to save notes about who you worked best with, capture their feedback about the pattern, rate your testers, and leave reviews.
When you use Yarnpond to run your tech edits, you get a dedicated chat area to talk to your editor, document management so you can each upload and download files, and the ability to rate and review the editors you work with.

With Yarnpond you can do all this in one place
Why spread this process, and all its related information, between multiple systems, when you can manage it all centrally and at the same time help testers to build up their portfolios and help other designers identify the best testing talent?

Some quick stats about Yarnpond


registered testers


registered tech editors


registered designers


open test calls for members


of Yarnpond testers have a rating of four stars or better!

For knitters & crocheters

  • Browse and apply for open pattern tests for all the designers on the platform
  • Chat with the designer & other testers in a dedicated chat rooms for each test
  • Provide easy progress updates by marking off milestones
  • Rate and review designers you have tested for
  • Build your test/sample portfolio & find new opportunities
  • FREE for test knitters

For Tech Editors

  • Create an eye-catching profile with links to previous patterns you've edited
  • Get email notifications of new tech edit jobs posted
  • Apply for jobs, win jobs, get paid and build your portfolio!
  • A Yarnpond listing for Tech Editors is currently FREE!

For designers and publishers

  • Publish testing calls publicly or to a private pool
  • Select testers from all that apply, and stay in touch with the test teams on our built-in forums
  • Create your own pattern feedback forms
  • Rate and review your testers & build relationships with trusted testers
  • Advertise your tech editing jobs and select from qualified applicants
  • $5 per test, $2 per tech edit job with monthly subscription options and pre-paid packs for better value!